Tuesday, January 18, 2011

End World Peace!

No Mustard Only would like to welcome all visitors of the End World Peace Blog.   That's right, No Mustard Only has merged with www.endworldpeace.com and will now be delivering occasional content on how we can end the plague that is world peace.

Why end world peace you say?  Because when you have world peace, the good guys are prevented from stopping the bad guys, so evil always wins. 

Join us in helping to END WORLD PEACE!

possible new logo of the End World Peace organization


Anonymous said...

I agree with the End World Peace statement. World peace will allow global tyranny soon.

Anonymous said...

I watch as you sweep across the globe, influencing the people of the world.
You’ve convinced them that you are the true “Peace,” but you’re only an imposter “Mr. peace.”
You fill their minds with the hope of “peace and security” through “global unity.”
But you can’t deliver to them what you don’t have “Mr. peace.”
You only have the power to create an illusion of “Peace” before men.
You incite them to take to the streets and demand global “peace” and to end all war.
But once again “Mr. peace”, it’s not the real product that you have them believing it is.
Allow me to reveal, “Mr. peace” to what you really have in mind for the world.
You ride upon a white horse, carry a bow, have a victor’s crown but you have no arrow,
You go out conquering and to conquer without an arrow, which means that you conquer through “peace and security.”
You’ve cast a spell upon the governments and people of the world for them to come together and demand that all wars cease.
Ironically at the same time, you have the elite of the world engage in behavior that causes anger in the people of the world.
The governments of the world are establishing a global infrastructure of “peace, security and technology.”
For the purpose of greed, corporations engage in “global” commerce.
This causes the people to cry out for accountability and call for retribution.
This tactic that you use is confusing and to make the people hungry for something “new.”
There is a beast that has come from you that claims to be the “Leader of peace” and has that something “new.”
He has placed his people in governments, academia, and businesses around the world to incrementally teach the people that he has all the answers to the problems of the world.
The people will embrace what he has to offer because they are hungry for something “new.”
There are a few of his people that demand and kill to have their beast rule the earth now.
But the majority of his people hold fast to the road of “peace and security” until the time is ripe.
Very soon, you will have what you seek “Mr. peace.”
Your beast will hijack what the elite of the world has created for themselves.
Ironically, the elite of the world know this since they have planned for the hijack long ago.
The people of the earth will embrace your beast for the “new.”
Those who refuse to embrace your beast will be put to death.
Friends and family will be delivering one another to death due to not “going along” with the “new.”
This will be easy since you began your campaign against family closeness awhile ago now.
You are such a Master to come up with that plan, “Mr. peace.”
You are by no means lacking in skill and knowledge, “Mr. peace.”
Very few people realize what you have done since you began your quest of conquering and to conquer.
The vast majority is asleep and has no clue as to their destination that you’ve prescribed for them.
It’s been a long road for you “Mr. peace.”
In the end, you will believe that you have won, “Mr. peace.”
But the many years you’ve spent to pave the road to victory will become your own destruction.
In spite of all the bloodshed that you convinced man to do and the misleading of multitudes, your time will end.
Ironically, those who get to experience true “Peace”, are those who rejected all that is you “Mr. peace.”
They are the ones who choose to embrace and walk with the “Prince of Peace.”

Anonymous said...

to be qutie honest having world peace is qutie accepteable
lets not forget about rules in world peace
did you forget rules?
well in this case rules apply
as i had said mr. peace
i'll see you on the filp side

Anonymous said...

In the world of "peace and security", the only rules followed are the ones that help create the "new." All other rules are made to be broken, including the rule of not shedding the blood of the innocent. But VERY soon, those who are considered to be innocent will be the ones who embrace the "new." All others will be considered guilty and will be put to death, which are those who refuse to embrace the "new" and will be considered to be the evil ones.

Anonymous said...

I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt the other day that read on the front, "RULES ARE FOR THOSE WHO LISTEN" and on the back of his shirt read, "I DON'T LISTEN!!!!!"

There are many in the world that “LISTENS" but there are many more multitudes that "DON'T LISTEN!"

Hence, this is why world peace doesn't work and must be canceled out. Those who don't listen will be the ones to dominate the world while all the crystal lickers and fairy powder sprinklers ( progressives and leftists) will be helping to eliminate those who “just won't get it” that they must achieve world peace and help those who don't listen be put to death.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree. world peace is what helps you stay alive

No Mustard Only said...

Well, "Anonymous" - your disagreement is proof that we can never have World Peace. If we can't agree on such a simple concept of whether World Peace is a good thing, then how can we every single human being be expected to agree on every single issue that ever arises, which would be required to establish World Peace?

Anonymous said...


World peace is achievable..
and it is a good thing..
I'm talking real peace here..

Anonymous said...

You are only speaking about humans!, what about the elephants and other non humans fighting back(war)against our destruction(war) against their/our existence/environment? Not to mention the robot, alien, human hybrid (war). "Drone strike everything!" "Yes, even the drones!!!"

Anonymous said...