Tuesday, June 1, 2010

No Mustard Only Calls Shenanigans: Biz Markie

No Mustard Only will acknowledge that it is possible that Mr. Markie had a friend named "Jack," and it is also likely that he was pals with a "Jermaine."  We seriously doubt, however, that he had a friend named "Agnes," or that he knew anyone named "Agatha."  At best, he knew one of these people, but he most certainly didn't have two separate friends named Agnes and Agatha.  What probably happened was that old Biz probably needed a couple names to finish the lyric, so he flipped to page 3 of some book of baby-girl names (the AG--- section) and grabbed the first two he saw. 
Biz Markie doesn't know anyone named
"Agnes" or "Agatha" (and that's a fact)

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