Monday, April 26, 2010

Stephen Hawking is an Idiot

Physicist Stephen Hawking does not think time travel to the past  is or ever will be possible.  To test this theory, he conducted an experiment.  He threw a party where only time travelers were invited.  He made an invitation, and supposedly hid the invitation in a spot where only time travelers could find it.  No one came.  He thus theorized it was because time travel to the past will never be possible.  He may be right, but he is a complete idiot for proposing that experiment.  I could have told him right off the bat that no time traveler is going to come to his party.  First, time travelers are probably awesome and have better things to do than to go to some lame ass party with a nerd in a wheel chair.  I can see the decision process right now:

Time traveler #1: Boy, the Boston Tea Party was crazy.  Where should we go now?
Time traveler #2: We should go hear the Gettysburg Address, or go see Julius Caesar get killed.  Oh--we could go to Stephen Hawking's Party.  I just found the invitation in that secret spot.
Time traveler #1: I am not going to that stupid party.  I remember when he threw it.  He had a tv special about it, and no one came.  If we went, we'd be the only ones there, and that would be super lame.

Also, can you believe the audacity of Stephen Hawking to think that people who actually know how to time travel are going to want to come hang out with him?  It would be like a little league football coach throwing a party to discuss football strategies, and inviting all the NFL coaches.  Time travelers already understand how to time travel.  They aren't going to want to waste their time or their plutonium to come hear Steve's stupid theories that are all wrong.  In fact, most time travelers are probably pissed at him, since he said that time travel to the past wasn't possible.  I seriously doubt that Magellan or Columbus would have been eager to attend a party thrown by the President of the Flat Earth Society.

Alien girls and idiot Stephen Hawking

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