Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Penis Party

I wrote this poem last night while I was brushing my teeth. It isn't true or anything.

My penis had a party, with everyone invited
My mom brought 7 layer dip, we all were so excited
There were streamers laid round everywhere, and fireworks ignited
It's being thrown again next year, its already decided.

My penis had a party, the guests were all delighted
Everybody celebrated and nobody fighted
No one was arrested, no one was indicted
Long lost friends and relatives were kindly re-united

My penis had a party, even Tiger Woods was sighted
"tis the best party I've ever been" one of the guests recited
The fun was shared by everyone, the love rampant and requited
You should plan to come next year, you're cordially invited

1 comment:

No Mustard Only said...

Great initial post. Sucks that your only reader is yourself.