Friday, March 5, 2010


Here are some unjokes. What is an unjoke? Well, it is a collection of words assembled together in such a way that it appears to be a joke, but lacks the cleverness or humor that jokes typically provide. I hope you unjoy them.

Unjoke #1: Bartender disappoints patrons

A Croation, an Englishman and a Mexican walk into a bar. The bartender is a girl, and asks the three men what they would like. The Croation orders a glass of mead. The Englishman orders a pint of ale. The Mexican orders a shot of tequila and a lime. The bartender says, "sorry. We don't sell any mead."

Unjoke #2 - Oprah is no Rosa Parks

Oprah walks onto a bus, but doesn't have the right amount of change for the fare. "Can you break a $100 dollar bill?" She asks the bus driver.
"No," he says, "and I'm sorry but you're going to have to go to the back of the bus."
"Excuse me?" she says with disdain. "I will do no such thing."
"But that is where the coin machine is. You should be able to break your bill back there."
After that, Oprah was red faced with embarrassment.

Unjoke #3 - Riddle me that

Q: What's the difference between a putting green and a woman's asshole?
A: A putting green is for playing golf on, and a woman's asshole is a part of a person's body.

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